Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Note to Global Warming Alarmists

After the fact explanations as to why your theory is crashing and burning (satellite data clearly shows that 1998 was the warming year on record) doesn't validate your theory (you didn't say that if a,b,c and d then e, you said e, and e isn't happening) in the least. I mean, are you guys simply unaware of the Enlightenment?.............................................................................Here, let me give you a quick refresher course. The Enlightenment instructed us that whenever there is a discrepancy between our theory and the facts, it is the theory that needs to be either modified or rejected AND NOT THE FACTS!!! The fact that you clowns have continuously "adjusted" (or, as I would prefer to say, tortured) and cherry-picked the data and moved the damn goal posts (George Monbiot saying that IF you removed the El Nino, for instance) is disgusting and a sign that we are moving ever so closer to a post post Enlightenment era in which advocacy and government/official science trumps the real McCoy. Ya' proud?


Dan Pangburn said...

Approximately 90% of average global temperature change since before 1900 is driven by the combined effect of natural ocean oscillations plus phenomena that correlate with the sunspot number time-integral. http://climatechange90.blogspot.com/2013/05/natural-climate-change-has-been.html

Reported annual average global temperature measurements have an uncertainty with standard deviation of ≈0.09 K http://globaltem.blogspot.com/

dmarks said...

Going to be taking wagers on whether or not the climate-change Vatican will be foisting the "New Ice Age" hoax on us before the decade's end?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Always good to hear from you and get your insights, Dan. Thanks.............dmarks, just for the record, a lot of same guys who were touting catastrophic global cooling in the '70s are touting the opposite today and it really kinda does make you wonder, doesn't it?