Friday, April 29, 2011

Bill the Plumber

O'Reilly continues unimpeded a simpleton. I mean, just take a gander at some of those poll questions of his. One of them was actually, so, "Do you think that America is a fair and just place?"...And, yes, folks, the frigging fact that he so literally believes there to be a readily discernible yes-no response to this crap. THAT'S what really gets me. Oh, and, get this - he followed up that little query with this one; so, "Do you think that President Obama thinks that America is a kind and just place?" Simplistic in its angularity, that dandy................................................................................................P.S. Needless to say, folks, the responders to Mr. O'Reilly's questions gave a much higher affirmative rate to the former question. They, very much identical to their mentor/hero, are predictable.


Commander Zaius said...

This simple yes-no type of argument is typical of the age we live. It goes along "nicely" with the zero sum game our politics have become.

Neither leads to rational discourse and it could ultimately mean blood will flow in this country.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I thought for a while that Mr. O'Reilly was mellowing and at least trying to be fair. I can't rightly say that I feel like that anymore. The "spin" - it doesn't even come close to stopping with him.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

My answer would be "no".