Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Views From the Moon

According to Sean Hannity, these "moderate" Democrats simply don't exist. "These 'so-called' moderate and blue-dog Democrats", he's constantly spouting. Hm, I don't know. Perhaps it's all just a part of that overall strategy of his to paint Democrats - ALL DEMOCRATS (not to mention everybody else who disagrees with him) as evil, out of control spenders, people with absolutely no interest in defending the country, etc., etc.....................................................................................Now, granted, maybe from Sean Hannity's rather extreme perspective, all of this DOES make complete/total sense (to him, I'm saying). And, yes, when in fact you DO take to comparing these moderates to Hannity himself, they probably ARE liberal. But, then again, so, too, would Ike, Rocky, Jacob Javits, etc. be liberal. Everything, EVERYTHING, is relative...........................................................................................P.S. And, really, for him to have so cavalierly implied that there isn't any sort of difference between Nancy Pelosi/Barney Frank (on the one hand) and Evan Bayh/Mary Landrieu - that, me-buckos, is just plain stupid. I mean, even when the two groups (the liberals and moderates) vote in unison, there are almost always a lot of negotiations to get there - the moderates, HELLO, moderating the legislation....What is wrong with this guy?


Commander Zaius said...

Frankly I'm viewing American politics more and more like Lenin's body in his air tight display coffin. An exceptionally preserved corpse that while looking alive is as hollow and dead as the road kill I passed on the way to work tonight.

The assorted nuts on both sides seem to enjoy polarizing the country to the point some openly wonder about political violence erupting.

Now, I'm a liberal in most senses, especially living in South Carolina but there has to be some common ground to work together. If not we might as well pulled down the stars and stripes and called the United States a failed experiment.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Well stared, double b. As for all of those nuts on both sides, I've been watching Campbell Brown at 8 PM. O'Reilly and Olbermann - they're not even amusing to me anymore.

Oso said...


Off topic,but check out this link:


The Silverdome,built for 55 million back in 1975-just sold for ...drum roll.....583,000.00 !

A domed stadium just sold for the what a ritzy home in parts of SoCal still goes for.