Tuesday, September 1, 2020

On the CDC Now Reporting that 94% of the People Who Died with or Because of COVID-19 Had Significant Co-Morbidities (and Average of 2.6 per Individual) - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm

Yes, COVID likely contributed to some of those deaths but being that the death-certificate process has been so corrupted by politics (that gal from the Illinois Deaprtment of Health being THEE smoking-gun) and medical malfeasance (the fact that hospitals were getting extra reimbursements for COVID patients, respirator usage, etc.), the likelihood of this ever getting sorted out is probably zilch. Of course this hasn't stopped the corporate press from going into full-fledged damage-control, building additional straw-men (implying that the skeptics haven't cited COVID as a contributing factor to any of those 94% deaths), etc. but if I was them I would tread a little more lightly because what this CDC admission also does is destroy their bullshit narrative about COVID being a dangerous disease FOR EVERYBODY......If only they would listen, huh?

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