Tuesday, September 22, 2020

On the Fact that There Have Been 29 Supreme Court Openings In an Election Year During Our Country's History and In All 29 Cases the President In Office Nominated Somebody - https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/08/history-is-on-the-side-of-republicans-filling-a-supreme-court-vacancy-in-2020/

And of the 19 cases when the President and the Senate were of the same party, only 1 of those 19 was sidelined (the ethical basket-case, Abe Fortas)............so, yeah, to Nancy Pelosi, that idiot socialist bimbo from New York, Chuckie Schumer, and the rest of the recalcitrant bed-wetters, YOU HAVEN'T GOT A CONSTITUTIONAL LEG TO STAND ON. Sorry but, no.....................................................................................................P.S. Of course in the past the minority could have filibustered but being that the DEMOCRATS got rid of that procedure for judicial appointments, OH WELL, what goes around............

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