Thursday, September 3, 2020

On Pelosi Receiving an Indoor Blow-Dry (You're Laughing Already, I'll Bet) While Not Wearing a Mask (so Three Violations), Getting Busted for it, and Instead of Apologizing for Being Such a Hypocritical Shit Blaming the Salon Owner for "Setting Her Up"

And who does the corporate press side with; the small business woman whose livelihood has been crushed by these draconian and fascistic lockdowns (which were only supposed to last a couple weeks, mind you) or the piggly-wiggly clown who's been feeding off the public trough for multiple decades and who apparently doesn't think that the rules apply to her? Uh, yeah, it's the latter....................................................................................P.S. And even if she was "set-up", she's still a fucking adult who should have known the various rules TO HER OWN DAMNED CITY and not tried to throw a person considerably beneath her in the social pecking-order under the bus. Of course that would also necessitate her being a decent person so never mind, I guess.

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