Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Note to Homosexual American Leftists Who Sympathize With Islam

You're either insane, stupid, or you have a death wish. I mean, come on, man! Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, Nigeria, virtually all of these Islamic countries would literally murder you, simply for being who you are. Yes, we have to be sensitive to other cultures and reach out whenever it's possible but in this particular instance, political correctness is lethal and isn't it about time that you showed some stones (ironic, in that that's what you'd get over there) regarding it?


Les Carpenter said...

Like talking to the wall as I've been so thoroughly reminded Will. It is almost as hopeless as talking to the so-con fundies on the right.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The left will stereotype Mormons, Tea Partiers, firearm owners, essentially anybody who disagrees with them politically, but Muslims, thou shalt not.

dmarks said...

Islam ( like any religion.... or socialism for that matter) has no place in government. It all treads on matters that should be left to the people.

BB-Idaho said...

Intriguing that Lawrence of Arabia
managed to survive the culture...
given the rumors.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Amen, dmarks (no pun intended).......Actually, BB, I've heard a rumor or two pertaining to Yasser Arafat as well. Also intriguing.