Saturday, February 11, 2012

On Keynesian Economics 2

Now, is this to say that government spending CAN'T help an economy to recover? Nope, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means that we have to shift our paradigm a trifle. Instead of thinking of government spending as something which "primes the pump", you think of it more as something (done intelligently, of course) which gives us a competitive edge...............................................................................................I.E., we invest in such things as infrastructure (I like the Kerry-Hutchinson proposal of an investment bank, myself) and charter schools in an effort to entice prospective investors to build and do business here (this, as opposed to spending willy-nilly, placating the teachers unions, etc.). I mean, I know that it's kind of a subtle distinction (this, as opposed to a full-throated denunciation of Keynes) that I'm making here and all but I also think that it's an important one; intelligent and targeted spending as opposed to this pissing in the desert approach of fellas' like Krugman.


Les Carpenter said...

Or we begin to face reality from a different perspective.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Reality from a different perspective = Libertarian fantasy

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The book that Les referenced doesn't sound like a libertarian screed in the least bit, wd. But, sure, go ahead and level a cheap shot at him.

Les Carpenter said...

wd - YOU'RE DELUSIONAL, you have now confirmed that which reasonable and rational people knew all along.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How do you think I confirmed that I'm delusional? Also, who are you to speak for reasonable and rational people? I know you selected the moniker "Rational Nation", but I thought that was meant ironically.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: opposed to this pissing in the desert approach of fellas' like Krugman.

I've never read anything by Paul Krugman that suggested this was his approach. What's your proof?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I've never heard him critical of ANY spending, ANY SPENDING (well, maybe military)! I mean, my God, the frigging guys bows to the God of consumption, for Christ!