Friday, November 12, 2010

By Hook or by Schnook

Sean Hannity is either a bald-faced lying fool....or he's delusional (a person of supreme idiocy is no doubt also a possibility). When characterizing the fact that the Democrats are currently opposed to people making over $250,000 a year getting a tax-cut extension, this fellow literally utters, "small business owners, in other words." I mean, COME ON, I thought that everybody in his right mind knew by now that a scant 2-3% of small business owners make a quarter of a million a year? But, NOOOOOOO, continue to perpetuate this Republican talking point...................................................................................................Look, folks, I thought that I had put forth a reasonably good compromise. Yes, extend the middle-class tax-cuts (a reasonable thing to do during a recession). But this time raise the threshold to 300-400 thousand a year. This way you basically hit ALL small businesses and, yes, better yet, you take a way the talking-point (forcing them to use the class-warfare one instead). I'm thinking that the Democrats should put this forward and dare the Republicans to reject it.That way we can see if THOSE individuals have some "cajones" (palinologically speaking).


Dervish Z Sanders said...

I think it may be all three.

Commander Zaius said...

Hannity and his combination of delusional stupidity is one of the reasons I abandoned conservatism.

When I bought the crap hook, line, and sinker I remember listening to him and thinking "is this the best we can do?"

Rusty Shackleford said...

How ever you guys feel about Hannity you would have to admit he does indeed follow the conservative line and does'nt waiver.I myself very rearly watch him but I respect him for his diligence.I read in Newsweek Hannity is knocking down over 20 mil a year.And Rush over 50.Somebodys paying them for their views.

Mordechai said...

Seems like the democrats have no balls to pull off the idea you have will, (They never seem to play that sort of hardball)

Most republicans and far right wingers have no brains since they keep buying into Hannity's lies and deceptions year after year.

BTW getting paid to spread lies worked for other liars in other countries which USED to be denounced by the right wing in eras past.

For some reason when it is the right wing in this country getting paid to LIE to people to spread propaganda, it is OK I guess to the ideological right wingers.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I feel vindicated, gentlemen. Ed Rendell (on "Hardball") advocated essentially what I've been advocating. Push for the middle-class tax-cuts but raise the threshold. Only Mr. Rendell says raise it to a million a year. Have the Republicans line up with that strata......I don't mind conservatives, Russ (I like you and Voltron, don't I?). I just don't like the unprincipled ones. Mr. Hannity never bitched about Bush when he was ringing up all sorts of debt on the credit card. He's only vocal about it when a Democrat does it.

Rusty Shackleford said...

So a Republican in a wheelchair goes in a resturant and orders a cup of coffee,he looks across the room and see's Jesus sitting at another table.The Republican asks the waitress "is that Jesus over there?"When she tells him yes it is he asks her to send Jesus a cup of coffee and put it on his bill.
A Libertarian with a bad limp comes in the resturant,sits down and orders a cup of tea.Seeing Jesus he asks the waitress to give him a cup of tea on him.
A Democrat on crutches comes in the resturant,sits down and orders a beer.Upon seeing Jesus he asks the waitress to send a beer to him.
About 15 minutes later Jesus gets up to leave,as hes walking out he stops at the Republican,thanks him and puts his hand on the mans shoulder and says you are now healed.
He then walks to the Libertarian,thanks him,lays his hand on his shoulder and says you are healed.
Jesus then walks to the Democrat who shouts DONT TOUCH ME I'M COLLECTING DISABILITY.

Rusty Shackleford said...

So a Republican in a wheelchair goes in a resturant and orders a cup of coffee,he looks across the room and see's Jesus sitting at another table.The Republican asks the waitress "is that Jesus over there?"When she tells him yes it is he asks her to send Jesus a cup of coffee and put it on his bill.
A Libertarian with a bad limp comes in the resturant,sits down and orders a cup of tea.Seeing Jesus he asks the waitress to give him a cup of tea on him.
A Democrat on crutches comes in the resturant,sits down and orders a beer.Upon seeing Jesus he asks the waitress to send a beer to him.
About 15 minutes later Jesus gets up to leave,as hes walking out he stops at the Republican,thanks him and puts his hand on the mans shoulder and says you are now healed.
He then walks to the Libertarian,thanks him,lays his hand on his shoulder and says you are healed.
Jesus then walks to the Democrat who shouts DONT TOUCH ME I'M COLLECTING DISABILITY.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Thats so funny I posted it twice.Amazing how the truth is a good foundation for a great joke.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It isn't just the liberals who are feeding off the trough, Russ. I saw this one story about a lady tea partier. She was going on and on about limited government and as it turned out, she herself was on a disability. Limited government, except for her, I guess.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Yea,you libs always manage to scrape one up to point at.
Funny you leftys never point at the coulture of welfare you guys created in the black community and continue stoking for votes.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Do you realize the state of California pays out 40 million in unemployment each month,yea thats right each month.Plus the state is 130 billion in debt.Yet those idiots continue electing useless pieces of crap like Boxer and Brown and leave the libs in control of the state houses.The morons there get what ever they deserve.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rusty, the reason CA is paying out a lot in unemployment is because there are a lot of people unemployed. Duh. That's what happens when conservative economic policies are followed. They cause booms and busts.

People who vote Republican are the morons.

As for your previous comment about the "welfare culture"... it's a myth (that is, total BS).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, relax. All I'm saying is that there is plenty of hypocrisy on both sides. You see tea party signs saying "Keep your government hands off of my Medicare." Stuff like that......As for California, if it makes you feel any better, if I lived in that state, there's no way that I would have voted for Boxer. Ever since she dressed down that General, I literally haven't been able to look at her......And I might have voted for Whitman, too. I mean, yeah, I like Jerry, and I don't think that he's as orthodox a liberal as a lot of people say. But a Democratic Governor AND a Democratic legislature might end up being too unchecked in the long run......Me - a liberal? I don't know, Russ, I don't think that a lot of my liberal colleagues see it that way. I guess it all depends on where you're coming from.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Is the state employee benefit of taxpayer funded sex re-assignment
a part of "conservative economic policy" as well?

And Will,
As long as there are "moderate" Republicans you have much wiggle room, but to a staunch conservative yes you are a liberal.
(just like to staunch communists like Dervish you will always be conservative.)

Rusty Shackleford said...

Dervish is one smart cookie..."the reason CA is paying out a lot in unemployment is because there are a lot of people unemployed." Get detective work Sherlock.
You libs will never admitt what you've done to the black community.You people have created the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons who exploit their own people for profit and power,you have no shame.

Commander Zaius said...

...follow the conservative line and does'nt waiver...

Yeah, they put to death idiots at Nuremberg who couldn't think beyond the party line. Come on Russ, you blast us libs we we blindly following someone, how about obey your own standards.

Rusty Shackleford said...

BB,Hannity does follow the conservative line....and for the record I've never been a fan of his,he's a one trick pony.
The same could be said for the evening bunch at MSNBC,they never stray for their company line.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hannity certainly isn't a principled conservative (a la, say, a Will or a Buckley). Back when George W. Bush was putting 2 wars and an expensive drug entitlement program on a credit card, there wasn't a single peep from Mr. Hannity. Gotta face it. The guy's a flat-out partisan stooge, just like Olbermann and Maddow - only stupider.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Yea,but he's still knocking down over 30 mil a year.Pretty decent coin for a former carpenter.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Proof-positive, Russ, that America, in spite of its shortcomings, can in fact STILL be an awesome place.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Volt, I support (generally) Israel. I criticize MSNBC. And I occasionally vote Republican. For those 3 reasons alone, the serious left will never, ever, EVER, claim me.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ed Rendell is wrong. We simply can't afford to extend tax cuts to people making a million or more. The Democrats need to draw a line in the sand.

Will, you're wrong as well. Speaking up for what you believe doesn't make you a "stooge"... what an utterly ridiculous comment... that usually is the case with your observations when you criticise MSNBC though.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

As for Rusty's claim that "you people have created the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons who exploit their own people for profit and power"...

No, I don't believe that the Left should have any "shame" over this. Because it's a lie. The Left didn't "create" Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Neither of these individuals "exploit their own people for profit and power".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that you're misunderstanding Rendell's proposal. It isn't to give the tax cut extensions to people making over a million a year. It's rather to extend them to everyone UP TO a million a year......Actually, wd, his proposal is far more generous than mine. I suggested that we extend them to everyone up to 300-400,000. And, yes, letting them expire for the rest of the wealthier folks.