Monday, June 10, 2024

On Conducting a Poll On Who the 300 Greatest Actresses of All Time Were/Are and Here Are Some of the Results

 72) Greta Garbo, 75) Deborah Kerr, 77) Susan Hayward (and, yes, I blew my stack majorly on this one), 88) Jean Simmons, 109) Marlene Dietrich, 122) Greer Garson, 126) Claudette Colbert, 135) Loretta Young, 139) Anne Baxter, and 145) Joan Fontaine. And among the actresses ranked higher than this cavalcade of legends; Sandra Bullock, Emily Blunt, Jamie Lee Curtis, Scarlet Johansson, Rachel McAdams, and Octavia Spencer. Clearly there was a heavy influx of youngsters voting in that even though stars like Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, and Ingrid Bergmen were ranked high, the top 50 selections were mostly contemporary chicks. Can't wait to see what that list'll look like 10 years from now.

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