Thursday, July 4, 2024

On 17......or Is it 14......or Is it 15......or Is it 13......or Is it 7 (it Was a Different Number Every Day from the Old Fool) Nobel Prize Winning Economists Supposedly Stating that Biden's Economic Plan Is da' Bomb

Gonna' roll the dice here and suggest that (whatever that number may be,) they're all probably Paul Krugman caliber Keynesians in that who in the hell else would say something that stupid (well, save for maybe those 50-something former intelligence shits who claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant)? I'm at a loss.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On the Propensity of Indigenous Peoples to Migrate Closer and Closer to the Areas Most Intensively Colonized and/or Settled

  It even happened in North America as the Indians moved closer to the forts and other populated areas (for trade, largely) to the point of sometimes even waging war with other tribes to gain this proximity. Granted, things went considerably sideways for the Native Americans as unending stream white Europeans overwhelmed them on the plains and sociopaths like Sherman and Sheridan started leading the cavalry but, let's be real, in any clash of civilizations in which one side still lives in the stone age and doesn't have the requisite immunity from novel diseases the results are fully predictable.

The Most Dangerous Team Since the '27 Yankees?

Yes, possibly, but I'm thinking more along the lines of the 1959 Go Go White Sox with Nellie Fox and Luis Aparicio. You know, 'cuz of the speed!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On the Fact that After Three Plus Years of Hiding Biden's Obvious Derangement, the Corporate Press IN UNISON Has Decided to Talk About it Constantly While Throwing the Poor Bastard Under the Bus

Desperate times calling for desperate measures? It's certainly part of it, one would think (and a key reason why they wanted to schedule the debate so early, time to drum up a replacement, yada yada). As for all of these slants being on the same page, WHEN AREN'T THEY? Seriously.

On the Fact that Atmospheric CO2 Levels Have Fluctuated Markedly for Hundreds of Millions of Years, with Most of Those Readings Occurring Well Before the Evolution of Man

So, to all of you entrenched dipwads who think that you can control the earth's climate, ya'll can't even control the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (particularly not in the long term). Please, get over yourselves, alright?

Monday, July 1, 2024

On Most Israeli LIBERALS Now Being Against Disengagement from Sumeria and Judea (AKA, the West Bank)

It's often been said that waging war on terrorists just creates more terrorists (I probably said it myself a time or two; the death of civilians, etc.) but might it also be true that terrorism creates more people bound and determined to combat it? Seems so here, doesn't it?

On the 1936 Truce Brokered by Britain In What Is Now the Southeastern Portion of Yemen Requiring 1,300 Signatures

 And the rabid anti-colonialists would have preferred what, that these brutish factions continue to slaughter each other (so like today, in other words, only MORE chaotic)? Kinda' seems like it, no?

On Back When the Mouth-Breathing Wokesters Actually Believed that They Could Cancel Famous People Like Dave Chappelle, J.K. Rowling, and Joe Rogan

And just how satisfying it was to watch these slants crash and burn so magnificently. Granted, it's just a start but, man, what a good one.