Thursday, June 6, 2024

On the Jerk-Off Corporate Media Knowing Early On that the Hunter Biden Laptop Was Legit but Because of Their Blind, Foaming at the Mouth Hatred of Trump Continuing to Spit Out the Bullshit Template that it Was Just "Russian Disinformation"

 If Trump was smart (and admittedly he isn't always) he'd be focusing mostly on this type of evidence (I would include also his banning from Twitter, the dishonest and biased algorithms from Google, states illegally changing election laws by fiat, etc.) and not so much on the weirdo shit coming from fellows like Mike Lindell. I'd also advise the dude to be as proactive as possible in fighting back against this nonsense (much easier said than done when you're being law-fared to an early grave) 'cause let's face it, it could easily be our final chance.

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