Friday, October 4, 2024

On the Fact that Nothing Screams Out, Democracy, Quite Like the Nomination of Some Dumb Cringemeister Who Didn't Get a Single Vote to Be Your Brand New Standard-Bearer

 This is one of the most flagrant examples of rank hypocrisy in my entire life and not a single mainstream media hooligan has pointed it out or even asked for an explanation. Apparently they don't see it as a "threat to Democracy (their version of it anyway)".

Thursday, October 3, 2024

On ICE Releasing Data that Shows 13,000 CONVICTED Killers and Nearly 16,000 CONVICTED Rapists Currently Among the Illegal Alien Population

   I'm gonna' try and be fair here (why?, because I'm not a brain-disordered partisan leftist stooge, that's why). Yes, a significant number of them likely came in during the Biden years (extrapolating from the overall crossings) but certainly not all of them and for the Republicans to infer that they've all come in on Biden's watch is very unfair (not that the Dems deserve fairness, mind you). Plus a certain number of these scumbags may already be in prison (on the taxpayer's dime, of course) and so at least they're not walking around causing trouble.
   None of this of course is to give Biden a pass on this issue. The dude's been horrible on immigration. And even though we need to fight fire with fire in order to get elected these days, we can do it without getting shit wrong and instead by focusing on the plethora of other screw-ups that are 100% legitimate (the border in general, inflation, the deficit, the Ukraine fiasco, etc.).

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

On the Fact that Winning an Election Largely On the Vote of Couch Potatoes and Ignoramuses Isn't Necessarily the Greatest "Dub" that One Could Achieve, I'm Just Saying

Though, yes, it is a ticket to power so definitely an A+ for that.

On Adam Schiff Sweating Bullets Over Deep-Fakes Again

The asshole is so effing creepy that the temptation here is to see this as some sort of preemptive argument just in case a bevy of embarrassing visuals come out (especially since this wasn't his first warning). We'll see, I guess.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024