Thursday, September 19, 2024

On Trump Supporters Correctly Referring to the U.S.A. as a, Constitutional Republic, and the Low-IQ Shills at CNN and Elsewhere Accusing Them of Espousing Right-Wing Talking-Points and Misinformation (You Know, the Usual Leftist Bromides)

 They're really reaching at this point OBVIOUSLY. Of course when you have an audience as doltish, information bereft, and easily led as they do you apparently can get away with such monumental deceptions......and so why not, they must figure.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On the Media Constantly Asserting that There Aren't Any Credible Reports that the Haitian Migrants Are Killing Dogs, Cats, Geese, and Ducks and Ultimately Eating Them

So there have been reports, just not "credible" ones (as deemed of course by rank politicians and media shits).......Man, are these cork-soakers slippery, huh?

On the Washington Compost's Philip Bump (a Piece of Garbage of the Highest Magnitude but I Digress) Actually Crapping Out a Column with this as it's Title (In the Wake of Trump Nearly Getting Whacked Again)

"Another Chance for Trump to Frame Democrats as Dangerous Has Emerged" - The guy's a total puke but I do give him SOME credit in that at least he cites a specific Republican pouncing (granted, it was one who nearly got plugged again but in the spirit of......) and not the same old "Republicans pounce!!".......Kinda' refreshing, wasn't it?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

On the Fact that When Trump Tossed Out the Term, "Bloodbath", He Was Obviously Speaking Metaphorically In that He Was Referencing the Loss of Jobs In the Auto Sector and Not Street Violence (a la Antifa Slants)

And Kamala knows this (or one would think, her full-bore idiocy being a huge confounding factor OBVIOUSLY) but because she so desperately craves power and the spotlight and has absolutely no fear of the corporate media this is what we get from the chick NONSTOP.

On that Idiot Female Debate "Moderator" Accusing Trump of "Killing" Roe vs Wade

The average fair-minded person who doesn't moonlight as a partisan slopehead would probably use the (correct) term, "overturning", but because we're dealing with a partisan lackey who possesses precious little in terms of fairness and decency, out comes the incendiary lingo. So, so predictable, these schmucks.

Friday, September 13, 2024

On Kamala Harris Asserting that Her Moronic and Amoral Tax On Unrealized Capital Gains Would Only Apply to the "Super Rich"

 To the folks out there who don't know their history (and their are legions of you out there roaming the country, I'm sure), this is exactly what the government said about the income tax in 1913 (and one later we ended up in an idiotic land war in Europe - just a coincidence, I'm sure) and how did that work out?

On Trump Never Once Saying that He Would Enact a Nationwide Abortion Ban and in Fact Saying that He Wouldn't Even Propose One and Harris Lying In Every One of Her Low-IQ Speeches that He Would

And I guarantee, Nostradamus she isn't. Not even close.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

On the Fact that the Slimeballs at Media Matters Are Still Pushing the Stupid Lie that Trump Labeled the Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, "Fine People"

Yeah, I guess that, THEY SHOULD BE CONDEMNED TOTALLY, simply wasn't clear enough for the slants. Oh well, next time maybe.

On Kamala Harris Asserting that There Aren't Any U.S. Troops Currently In Combat Regions

 Well, being that three soldiers got gun-downed in Syria this year (guarding a poorly defended outpost) and seven others injured in Iraq during an ISIS raid, I'm probably going to have to go, "Mostly (as in 99%) False" on this one.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trump's Legitimate Beefs About the 2020 Election

 1) State governments issuing millions of mail-in ballots with a questionable chain of custody. 2) Ballot harvesting in which partisan ramrods would go around assisting low-information people to vote for guess who. 3) Trump getting banned from various social media outfits leading up to the election. 4) Social media shills censoring and/or de-ranking the Hunter Biden laptop story. 5) The 50-plus former intelligence officials implying (AKA, lying through their teeth) that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation". 6) The corporate whore media framing every fucking story in a way that made Trump look like dog-shit and Biden a savior. 7) Google's algorithms burying good news about Trump and crappy news about Biden......and vice versa. 8) Tara Reid's rape accusations against Biden receiving zero coverage while the crazy lady's claims against Trump were receiving both credence and primo coverage. And 9) unsavory individuals showing up at drop-boxes at 3:57 in the morning, cautiously looking over their shoulder, putting gloves on so as to not leave fingerprints, and then taking pics of the drop box to prove their appearance there.......There of course could be more but this is a sufficient start, I think.

On the Fact that Kamala Harris Washes Her Collard Greens In a Large Bathtub and Still Thinks that Tupac Is the Greatest Living Rapper

Stupid and divorced from reality, exactly what we're looking for in the next President............if we want the country to shit the bed.

Monday, September 9, 2024

On Whether President Obama Should Have Immunity for His Having Ordered the Extra-Judicial Slayings of Four American Citizens

Well, according to the leftists and their tortured logic, no (the stipulation of course being that logic gets tossed to the wind when one of their brethren is doing the naughty shit).

Sunday, September 8, 2024

On the Fact that (According to the National Humanities Center), Yes, Native-American Women Often Did Go On Hunting Trips with the Men but Their Main Purpose Wasn't to Help with the Kill but Rather to Carry Supplies and Act as General Beasts of Burden

I'm pointing this out to stick a fork in this woke delusion that Native-American tribes were somehow matriarchal and to show instead how they often used women essentially as slave labor.......An escape from fantasyland, in other words.

Friday, September 6, 2024

On the Fact that the Administrative State Lied About Trump-Russia Collusion In 2016 and the Hunter Biden Laptop Being Russian Disinformation In 2020 and so When this Tyrannical Buffoon Comes Out and Feeds Us a Third Dosage of Russian Gobbledygook We Should Give it Credence............Why Exactly?


  And couldn't they have at least come up with a different country this time and not the nation that a) Mrs. Clinton approved of selling a shitload of weapons-grade uranium to and b) Obama stated to one of its key diplomats that he'd have a ton more flexibility after the election (in 2012)? Too much to ask?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Low IQ Scarborough On the Hunter Biden Lapto

 "History will expose you all as idiots and useful tools for the Russians (an idiot and a tool calling his intellectual betters, idiots and tools, wow, how 'bout that?)." Of course the question is, did Scarborough know about the laptop having already been authenticated by late 2019 (which would have made him a liar) or was he in the dark on that and was too effing stupid to recognize the rank absurdity of the claim? Me, I'm persuadable in either direction. I mean, we're talking Scarborough here, right?

Monday, September 2, 2024

On the DNC Folks Moving Biden's Speech to the Graveyard Shift so that They Could Feature this Stupid Frigging Buffoon In Prime Time

This is how the Democrats use people. They take advantage of you for as long as possible and when you can no longer service them you're toast. I almost feel sorry for the poor slob. Almost.

On Kamala Harris Lying About Once Having Worked at McDonald's

 Attempting to ratchet up her working class bona fides, I'm assuming. But, come on, if you're gonna' lie like that, maybe push for something a little more original. Like, I don't know, working at a carnival midway, being a fire-eater at the circus, detailing expensive German autos, that type of shit. Of course if you've gone through your entire life not displaying so much as a whiff of originality then, yeah, McDonald's is probably your ceiling.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

On Karen Black's Performance in "The Day of the Locust"


Dangerously gorgeous (it's in her eyes, always the eyes) probably sums it up. It's often been said that Black was type-cast as the unstable femme fatale and to a large extent it's true. But, honestly, did anyone do it better?