Monday, June 3, 2024

On Holocaust Industrialist, Deborah Lipstadt, Admitting that the Orthodox Holocaust Narrative Relies Almost Entirely On Witness Testimony, One of the Weaker Forms of Evidence

 So, am I a "Holocaust denier"? Depends on how you define it (just like with all of these other stock slurs; trans-phobe, antivaxxer, yada yada). If you define it as denying that European Jews were treated horribly from 1933 to 1945 then, no, I'm not a denier. If, on the other hand, you define it as having questions about the mode of death and the total number of deaths, I guess. Granted, it would be moronic in that the much more accurate descriptor would be, Holocaust revisionist, but to discuss it in a framework that these jackoffs could follow I decided to go with it. For now.  

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