Thursday, June 6, 2024

On the Partisan Hack Goon Prosecutors In New York (Reinforced by an Even More Partisan Judge) Taking a Misdemeanor Crime Well Past the Statute of Limitations, Sprinkling Some Pixie Dust On it, and Turning that Misdemeanor Into 34 Felonies (One of Which Is Felonious Mopery In the 58th Degree and Just Try and Bounce Back from that Bad Boy)

 And all because the Democrats want to be able to call Trump "a convicted felon" for the next five months (this while actual felons like Dr. Fauci and Hillary Clinton continue to skate free). Truly insane. And haven't they figured out that every one of these chump moves ends up helping Trump in the polls? The hefty price of not having an emergency brake, I guess.

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