Friday, August 25, 2023

On Biden Seeming to Nod Off In Hawaii and the Media Going Into Overdrive Trying to Explain it Away (Focusing Just On the Sleep Claim and Ignoring the Obvious Fact that He Was Clearly Struggling to Stay Awake)

I'm actually going to cut the guy some slack on this one in that I've attended countless meetings and conferences myself over the decades and, yeah, it's hard to stay alert sometimes. Me, I'm much more pissed off by the tone-deaf speech that he made comparing his own small house fire (damn near lost his '67 Corvette, the poor bastard) to the entire island of Maui going up in flames. I mean, I don't know about you but that made me extremely uncomfortable, the President of the United States displaying clear sociopathic behavior. And where in the hell was his staff believing that these remarks were acceptable? Gotta' put some of the blame on them, too, the schmucks. 

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