Saturday, October 20, 2018

On the Fact that that Lunatic Idiot Bitch Who Cornered and Yelled at Senator Flake In that D.C. Elevator Is Actually a Highly Paid Activist Who Works for Some Brain-Dead Soros-Backed Leftist Pressure-Group Called the Center for Popular Democracy (Leftist-Speak for Mob-Rule) -

And, gee, what a surprise, she claims to be a victim, too (she's probably one of those sub-95 IQ Gender Studies majors who once had drunken sex with some preppie schmuck, regretted it the next morning, and decided to call it rape but whatever)…….and even if she is, what in the blazes does that have to do with Kavanaugh? I mean, the guy has had some completely ludicrous accusations thrown at him and, what, because something nasty MAY have happened to you, he has to be guilty as well? This is total insanity and the fact that outlets like CNN are rubber-stamping it without so much as a skeptical eye is quite Orwellian, I think.

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