Saturday, October 13, 2018

On the Fact that if the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee Had Focused on Kavanaugh's ACTUAL Flaws (His Ties to Bush, Torture, and Rendition, His Hand In Helping to Craft the Patriot Act, His Apparent Deference to Executive Power, etc.), They Probably Would Have Gotten a Half Dozen or so Republicans to Join Them In Opposition but Because They're Such Imbeciles, Partisan Hacks, and Mean-Spirited Beasts They Took What Had to Be Lowest Road Available and Ended Up Not Just Losing but Alienating Millions

There really needs to be some sort of minimum competency test that these schmucks need to take before assuming office because this level of idiocy is simply unacceptable (and, yes, I'm talking about both sides here, clearly). It really is.

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