Saturday, April 21, 2018

On the Fact that You Should Never, Ever, EVER, EVER, Apologize to a Pitchfork-Toting Posse In that They Will Interpret it as Sheer Weakness, Make You Grovel, Pile On Additional Demands, etc.

Ms. Ingraham should have learned from the Don Imus debacle. Remember that? The fucking guy apologized to every damned person but Adam and it still wasn't good enough for a-wipes like Sharpton and he ended up getting canned. Thankfully that didn't happen this time (and no, I'm not a big fan of Ingraham, I just don't like people losing their livelihood over insignificant shit and the mob capturing anymore scalps) and so, yeah, maybe we can move on to something more, I don't know, those disgusting wars in Syria and Yemen, maybe. HELLO!

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