Saturday, April 7, 2018

On the Fact that There Was Never One Piece of Communication Between Concentration Camp Commanders and the Military Brass In Berlin Pertaining to the Gassing of Jewish Inmates (a Fact First Reported by the Much Respected British Historian, Sir Frank Hinsley, and Based Upon the Allies' Cracking of the German Code)

So either no gassings were taking place or there were and the military brass was being kept in the dark about it (a situation that would have totally cleared Hitler). Pick your poison (an admittedly awkward word to use, I grant), Mrs. Lipstadt (high-queen of the Holocaust industrialists), pick your poison................................................................................................P.S. And yes, if I had written this post in Canada or Europe, I could potentially be arrested. Wrap your mind around that and still tell me that free speech isn't important.

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