Monday, March 24, 2014

On Lincoln's Imprisonment and Deportation of Congressman Clement Vallandigham Simply For Opposing His Policies, The War, The Administration's Legal Tender Act, Etc.

Can you even begin to imagine if George Bush Jr. had done something like this; throwing guys like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich into the brig and then shipping their asses off to Canada? Every frigging progressive AND libertarian in the country would have gone ballistic and he probably would have been impeached (especially after the Dems had taken control of the House) as well. Lincoln, on the other hand.....


Les Carpenter said...

But. but, but... This is now and that was then. And, maybe, oh nevermind.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm no Bush fan but Lincoln makes him look like the head of the ACLU.

BB-Idaho said...

Its almost a given; wartime and civil liberties go together like
milk and cookies .

Rusty Shackelford said...

Wow....RN literally slowly took off his gloves and slapped WD across both cheeks calling him a liar and hypocrite.

In days gone by WD would either have to challenge RN to meet on the fields of honor or be labeled a coward. I'd guess WD would take the cowards path.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Lincoln certainly isn't alone in trashing the Constitution (Nixon and FDR both providing some stiff competition), BB, but he is in fact the champ of it. Just ask all of those political prisoners that he housed at McHenry and Lafayette, all of those poor Irish folks that he snuffed out during the New York City draft riots, those 38 Dakota Sioux that he hung (the largest mass execution in U.S. history) after giving them all a 5 minute trial, those 300 plus newspapers that he closed down simply for opposing his policies, those thousands of civilians that he ordered as a part of his "total war" (McClellan write a letter to Lincoln complaining about this strategy and Lincoln tossed it) to be slaughtered, all of those people who had their homes and cities burnt to a crisp and their property confiscated, etc.. They'll tell ya'.

BB-Idaho said...

The Sioux uprising was ugly from all sides; over 800 white residents, farmers and their families were slaughtered, the Sioux enraged by the land grabs and broken treaty promises. After Lincoln reviewed the over 300 death penalties, he ignore the
MN governor's threat that if they were not ALL hung, Lincoln would lose MN votes. Lincoln's response was that he could not afford to
hang men for votes. It was an episode where many were to blame, not just the sitting president.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

They were starving to death, BB, and the only reason that he didn't hang all 300 was because he thought that that wouldn't play well back east.

Les Carpenter said...

Rusty, Just got a lovely letter from Dervo. He wants permission to do a feature article on me like he has recently done on Will and dmarks.

I ignored him of course. So, I suppose he'll go back to sulking, or... playing with his willy.

Dude is seriously narcissistic.

BB-Idaho said...

I guess we can blame him for
Sand Creek as well.
I guess we can blame Polk for the precedent and put Wounded Knee in Harrison's lap?. Had a
native American friend who used to kid that the Civil War was his
favorite.."white guys killing white guys". Thing about history:
it can be instructive, edifying and sometimes (often, actually)
just real ugly.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't blame Lincoln for Sand Creek because he didn't have a hand in it. I only blame people when they have culpability.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Les, doesn't he already have a blog that's dedicated entirely to you? I thought that he did.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah, while back. It was a bunch of BS, made lies, and the delusional stuff Dervo is so proficient at.

Dude sent me another e-mail on the subject. He's seriously peeved that I'm not posting his blathering comments any longer.

dmarks said...

Perhaps that blog exists for now only in WD's wet dreams.

BB-Idaho said...

An analysis of the analysis thus far, for your reading pleasure.