Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yet Another Article Underscoring the Idiocy of the "Buffett Rule"

http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/12/pf/taxes/buffett-rule/index.htm - Yeah, that's right, folks, according to money.cnn.com, the average effective income tax rate for people making between $30,000 and $50,000 a year is 6.4% (according to freeby50.com, the average effective rate for people making between $50,000 and $100,000 is approximately 8.4%) and the average effective income tax rate for people making over a million a year is 24.6%....They also cite that this rule would only apply to a miniscule number of people and would raise less than 5 billion a year (yes, better than getting rid of PBS/NPR, but not by a lot). Can you all say a lack of seriousness coming from the White House, me-bucks?


dmarks said...

"yes, better than getting rid of PBS/NPR, but not by a lot"

Don't follow the fact-free-Left position that anyone wants to get rid of these. No conservative or other such fiscally-responsible person wants to get rid of NPR or PBS. They just want to cut these welfare queens off the dole. Both will survive just fine without taxpayer funding.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You got me again, me-buck. I definitely misspoke here. What I should have said was "getting rid of the tax-payer funding for NPR and PBS" (which I am in favor of, btw).