Monday, November 12, 2012

Mr. Obama, HIRE THIS MAN! 2

And listen to him.


dmarks said...

I get so much of my news from text and audio sources, and so little from TV... which means sometimes an ignorance of faces on my part where something like this would happen...

Who is it?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Erskine Bowles from Bowles-Simpson.

dmarks said...

Whew. Glad he did not turn out to be the guy who played the dad in "ALF".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I might even take HIM at this point (anybody being an improvement over Paulsen and Geithner).

dmarks said...

Well, at least he'd be able to pursuade ALF to sell the solid gold bidet in his spaceship for the cause of deficit reduction.

And that's a good start. A lot better than having a tax cheat heading Treasury as Geithner is.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

There aren't a lot of things that the left, right, and center can agree on but Timothy Geithner being a bad choice for Treasury Secretary is probably one of them.

dmarks said...

But I've seen some on the left condemn Geithner for being conservative (which he isn't) while defending him for his tax-related fraud.