Friday, July 4, 2008

Can't See the Clouds Through the Trees

I don't know, folks, it seems to me like there might be enough fuzzy thinking to go around. On the one hand/for instance, you have the far-right saying how it's a mortal sin to use embryonic stem-cells (cells, mind you, that are going to be destroyed anyway) for medical research. This, while, at the same time, you have the far-left saying that, despite the fact that only 2,000 of the 19,000,000 acres of it will actually be used for exploration/the fact that we now have precision drilling/the fact that Alaska's environmental regulations are among the best in the world, we can't under any circumstances EVER be allowed to drill in ANWR........................................I site these as just two examples, folks, of dogma/orthodoxy/rank partisanship getting in the way of common-sense. And, yes, I absolutely could give you more, too; the right's nearly paranoid stance against same-sex marriage, the left's well-intentioned but essentially bone-headed love-affair with minimum-wage laws - as examples. I do think you kind of get the message already, though, I hope.

1 comment:

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

As an addendum, to say that a person's tax dollars shouldn't go to stem-cell research, that perhaps is a more reasonable plea. But seriously, though, if the whole process is itself a sin/crime, shouldn't we make in-vitro fertilization flat-out illegal, if in fact it's that bad, I'm saying?