Tuesday, February 21, 2023

On Info that the Mainstram Media Wishes to Keep from Us

Here's just a partial list, the harsh fact that a) television networks got $4.6 billion dollars in ad revenue from the pharmaceutical industry (in 2021) and hundreds of millions more from the defense industry, a huge amount of money that would seemingly make fair coverage of issues related to these industries very difficult, b) not one of the 53 witnesses that Adam Schiff  brought before his skiff hearing could testify under oath that they had any direct evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, c) Crowdstrike's head honcho testified that their analysts couldn't produce any significant evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, d) HCQ and ivermectin aren't only safe medications, they also appear to have helped countless patients with covid all around the world, e) the VAERS system has shown more side effects from the covid vaccine than all previous vaccines combined by many multiples, f) there exist 14,000 hours of videotape regarding the January 6th fiasco and Pelosi has refused to release any of it, g) Bush the elder had assured Russia 30 years ago that N.A.T.O. would not advance any farther eastward and that obviously didn't happen, h) Hunter Biden's Burisma salary was sliced in half only a few months after his dad left the White House, i) declassified documents now exist which show that the Russians actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win in 2016 and, gee, what a surprise, our old friend, John Brennan, tried to suppress this info, j) when you control for criminality/police encounters white suspects are actually killed by cops at a greater rate than black ones are (per Heather MacDonald, Roland Fryer, etc.), and k) it is literally impossible for an advanced society to run on wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries (low power density, high resource intensity, unreliability, etc.) and to even attempt to do so would end in millions of deaths worldwide.

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