Sunday, February 5, 2023

On the Fact that (According to ProPublica) from 2014 to 2018, Physicians In the U.S. Received a Total of $113,000,000 In Kickbacks from Johnson and Johnson for Pushing the Drug, Xarelto -

And because its still on patent it's a tier 2 or tier 3 medication in most formularies which makes it exorbitantly expensive even with insurance (the co-pays for it being off-the-charts). Of course there is an alternative option in warfarin which runs you about 1/50th the price of Xarelto......but being that it makes pennies for the drug company and zero for the physician, gee, what a surprise, it rarely gets prescribed anymore....................................................................................................P.S, And, yes, to be fair here, warfarin is a more inconvenient drug for the patient in that it requires a fair amount of blood-work early on but even there, once you get stabilized it's only about once a month. There are also some financial assistance possibilities for Xarelto and the other high price anticoagulants but trying to access them is like walking in a maze (a lot of paperwork, constantly changing criteria, lengthy waits, etc.) and even if you do quality the price is still pretty friggin' high.   

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