Saturday, May 23, 2020

On the Fact that the Netherlands Has Done a Fair Amount of Antibody Testing for COVID-19 and Here Are Some of the Death-Rates for Various Age-Groups

Ages 20 to 29 = 4 per 100,000, Ages 30 to 39 = 7 per 100,000, Ages 40 to 49 = 14 per 100,000, Ages 50 to 59 = 103 per 100,000, Ages 60 to 69 = 492 per 100,000 - So essentially those of the seasonal flu, just like we've been saying. And, while, yeah, I'm quite certain that those odds go much higher in one's 70s and 80s, did we really have to crash the entire economy to protect these people? I would argue, probably not. 

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