Saturday, July 13, 2013

On Richard Nixon Making Over a Half Million in '71 and Again in '72 and Only Paying $1,600 Total in Taxes

Yeah, I'm thinking that he probably was a "crook" (he apparently also used millions of dollars of public funds in an effort to beautify his own personal residences in California and Florida).


dmarks said...

That's way low. Big contrast to someone Mitt Romney, who pays millions per year in taxes and shoulders a big part of the load. There's no way to say he is not paying his fair share.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Romney's last 2 years were 15% and 13.9%, respectively. While it sounds kind of low, it's still much higher than 95-97% of the rest of us. AND he paid well over $500,000 in property taxes.

dmarks said...

And the total amounts to millions. Not only is he shouldering his weight, he is carrying so many of the "47% moochers" as well.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I would probably tap that 47 down to about 30 (being that the former has a lot of SS recipients in it) but, yeah, on your overall point, I agree.

dmarks said...

I put it in quotes to call the number into question. I agree he pegged it wayyy to high.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Got ya'.