Friday, July 19, 2013


Springsteen is a rock and roll legend and true American original. And even though I've personally found his music to be a tad overwrought as I'VE gotten older, I still respect the man. But in terms of his politics, the dude is full of shit, or at the very least he's a damned hypocrite..............................................................................I cite specifically his outrage back when George Bush was President. Remember? We were losing our civil liberties ("It isn't the same country anymore", the man "articulated"), engaging in mass torture, murdering civilians, etc., etc., etc. (I largely agreed with the fellow, FYI). Basically the same shit that Obama is doing (no, we aren't personally torturing them anymore - we're just sending them over to Saudi Arabia and Turkey), in other words, and not only is this fellow, Springsteen, AOK with that, he's doing frigging fund-raisers for Obama!...Man, do I ever get frustrated with these celebrities.


Les Carpenter said...

It is what it is. It is what it always has been, AND it is what it likely always will be. The majority of celebrities are obedient soldiers in suppport of large PROGRESSIVE government statism.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Wouldn't it be great if we could get just one of them to be a small l libertarian (CATO, not Mises)?

Rusty Shackelford said...

A few years ago Laura Ingraham had a best seller called "Shut up and Sing," about this very subject.

dmarks said...

Lauran Ingraham does a great Dean scream, too.