Friday, June 6, 2008

Hillary Bashing to the Point Where Even I'm Offended

I'm going to put this under the category of things that have been bothering me lately. It has to do with the fact that Hillary is presently taking a boat-load of abuse from her critics for, yeah, you got it, not crying "uncle" Tuesday night. These people feel that she was not sufficiently gracious/conciliatory enough.....................................Of course, what these Obama devotees forget to mention (or maybe they just don't know), is that for Hillary to have done precisely this type of immediate concession, she would have been showing an extremely rare calibre of grace under pressure. Very, VERY, few candidates for the Presidency have graciously and/or immediately accepted their fate...................................,Take, for instance, Ted Kennedy. This individual (a man many have been lionizing of late - Mary Jo's family, clearly excepted), to my knowledge, NEVER conceded defeat in 1980. In fact, he ended up making poor Jimmy Carter chase him around the stage at that convention - snubbing him to the point where he refused even to shake his hand (never mind raise it up in victory). As far as I can recall, Kennedy was never held in the same type of contempt for his actions that Hillary currently is....................................Look, I am not (nor have I ever been) a big fan of the Clintons. But this ridiculously massive level of outrage over what happened Tuesday evening, I'm telling you, folks, it is unprecedented. I mean, even frigging Reagan in'76, for Christ!! He ended up costing Jerry Ford the whole damn thing. But, no, Hillary is once again the ONLY villain here. Way to be fair, folks.


Utah Savage said...

Are you talking about me? Yes, I'm guilty. In fact the thing that drove me, her bedrock demographic, from her was her behavior after her defeat in South Carolina. From then on she ignored the niceties, she assumed so many faces and accents, told lies that were silly and unnecessary when there was plenty of file footage to really make her look like a lair. She became the woman who will say anything, do anything, accept congratulate the victor, thank her volunteers, etc, just head off to the next stump speech. And Bill needs to retire from the hip young smart guy he was, and become the senior statesman. Otherwise he will just be Bubba. Just saying... It's only my opinion.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, don't get me wrong, Utah. I don't like the Clintons at all. The son-of-a-bitch pardons Marc Rich, but leaves Leonard Peletier rotting in prison (just for an example). I just thought that on this one issue (conceding defeat), there was a lack of historical understanding by people. No, I don't think I was referring to you, specifically (you've actually been giving her some credit). P.S. Nice hearing from you again. My "lefty" friend!!