Wednesday, November 30, 2022

On the Jerk Who Runs Apple Apparently Finding Elon Musk Owning Twitter (and Allowing People of All Stripes to State Their Case) a Greater Threat to the World than the Chinese Communist Thugs Who Continue to Subjugate Their People (the Falun Gong, Citizens of Hong Kong, Uyghurs, etc.) and Manufacture Poisonous Fentanyl that Miraculously Keeps Finding its Way to the U.S. Southern Border

Katie Couric once raised an uproar by asserting that the Trump supporters needed to be "reprogrammed". I wonder if she feels the same way about these big tech and Hollywood anti-free-speech cucks who make oodles of money by kissing the ass of the Chinese Communist party. Probably not, would be my guess.

On the Firewall Between the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. and the Big Pharmaceutical Conglomerates

If there is one it's small enough for a toddler to walk over. Obviously (regulatory capture being utterly apparent with these covid vaccines; the royalty payments, the FDA director going from Pfizer to the entrenched bureaucracy back to Pfizer, the hesitancy to release data, etc.).

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 My Message to the Biden Administration Regarding the Russia, Ukraine Conflict

Russia is a nuclear power, assholes, and so maybe instead of pouring lighter fluid on that shit-show over there we send some of our finest diplomats to try and bring about a peaceful end to it. I mean, you do want peace, don't you? Assholes.

 On What Citizens Should Do if They Don't Wish to Be Subordinate to the Biden Regime's Burning Desire to Reorganize Society

   The options are quite limited for sure. One is to work with like-minded people and practice agorism in some sort of parallel economy. Another is to drop out completely (again, with like-minded people) and build something as far away from the Leviathan as possible while living off the land (going into town occasionally for some supplies). Of course the problem with both of these is that the government will eventually track you down and charge you with rebellion and/or insurrection (a ridiculous charge in that the only people using violence in this scenario would be the federal goons) and you'll end up in some D.C. gulag with the January 6th trespassers.
   Of course, the most popular option these days is state secession (i.e., peaceful separation), with states like New Hampshire and Texas just leaving and creating their own independent countries. Unfortunately there exist some problems here as well. For one thing blue states are only 65% blue and red states are only 65% red, and so without a firm commitment to minority rights there would have to be significant population transfers (peaceful ones, one would hope). There would also have to be some arrangements regarding the armed forces, the currency, nuclear weapons, and the national debt and being that the two sides don't agree on much, good luck with that.
   My prediction, nothing changes and the country continues its precipitous decline with the end-result being Bolivia 2.0. I give it 20 years, 25 tops. 


 On the Claim that Biden's Press Secretary Gets the Questions In Advance and Has the Answers Written Out for Her

Multiple sources have reported that this was what the Biden administration initially requested. As to whether the press corps cucked or not, don't know. Would love to find out, though.

On Individuals Like this Mandating that We Validate Their Delusions

I'll validate it to the extent of not giving a shit as to how they live their lives but, no, me lying to 'em about something as fundamental as this, that ain't gonna' happen, sorry. And why in the hell do they need my validation anyway? If they're happy with what they've done, that should be sufficient. For adults, I'm saying.

Monday, November 28, 2022

 On the Trans Movement Going from Being an Anti-Bullying Movement to an Insane One that Wants to Take Your Kids Away if You Refuse to Butcher and Poison Them

Yeah, we need to dial back on some of this. Getting people to stop bullying transsexuals is one thing and an important one (so, too, the backing of their rights) but this whole agenda of targeting children, mandating that all of society, "affirm" their delusions as fact, and creating these bullshit words out of whole cloth and making us use them as their "preferred pronouns" has to go. It really does, full stop.

On the Tyrannical Trudeau Proclaiming that, "Protests to Demand Changes to Public Policy Have Become 'Worrisome'"

 That's strange because just two years ago the asshole asserted that, "Canada will always stand up for the right of peaceful protests and human rights around the world". Yeah, I guess that Canada apparently isn't on the globe any longer.......Well, either that or he's a hypocrite. That's a possibility, too.

 On the Heavenly Command Which Said that the United States Could Grow Exponentially but Never Get Smaller

 There isn't one, obviously (nothing in the Constitution, either), and yet this is what we've all been trained to accept.............Should be interesting, huh, the future?

Sunday, November 27, 2022

 On Elon Musk Pissing Off Some of His Twitter Employees for the Dastardly Requirement that They, You Know, Actually Show Up to Work

 Not to worry, you pampered little extensions of infancy. Help is on the way in the form of Biden's tyrannical regime as they have threatened to "look at him". And we all know what that means, right?

 On Joe Biden Standing In Front of the American Citizens During that Presidential Debate with Trump and Lying His Ass Off About His Son's Laptop, Proclaiming that it Was "Russian Disinformation" When He Knew In His Heart that it Was Obviously Legit (Him of Course Being, the "Big Guy" and Mr. 10%)

Lying to the public (even something as egregious as this) isn't an impeachable transgression or we would have had a dozen or so instead of a couple.......and being that the asshole apparently has no shame, resigning probably isn't a possibility, either. Oh well, at least we can still make jokes about it. For now.

To the Illegal Aliens

 I got two words for you - Sag Harbor. Trust me, you'll love it there. Lots of nice folks (like Don Lemon, for example) and the scenery, you just can't top it. Please, if you need any help with transportation, I got just the right guy for you. Can't remember his name at the moment. He's from Florida, I believe. I'll get back to you, I promise.

On Election Denier, Hillary Clinton, Recently Referring to the Electoral College as, Anachronistic

   Yes, because as we're all aware, Hillary is a far more impressive political philosopher than rubes such as James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton.
   That, and isn't it just common sense to have metropolitan New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles elect the President every four years. I mean, who else but these geniuses could possibly determine mining, agriculture, park management, lumber, transportation, etc. for the 99.9% of the rest of the country's land-mass? Nobody, right? 

On a New Study from the Journal of Clinical Medicine Suggesting that Post-Covid-19 Patients Have a No Greater Propensity of Developing Myocarditis and Pericarditis than People Who've Never Contracted the Virus (the Risk of Pericarditis Actually Appears Greater In the Never-Infected Group; .0088% Versus .0056%) -

Yeah, so this whole idea that covid infections make you more susceptible to these heart ailments than the new experimental vaccine seems problematic at best. Granted, the study didn't include post-jab myocarditis and pericarditis but being that the VAERS site has been blowing up on these ailments, one might conclude the obvious.

On the Fact that There Were 71,238 Fentanyl-Related Deaths In the U.S. In 2021 (Almost 70% of the Total Drug Overdoses), a Number Ten Times Higher than the Total Number of Murders by All Rifles Combined (447 as Stated by the F.B.I. Plus 308 as Extrapolated from the 4,740 Firearm Not Stated Column Using the 6.5% Share of the Murders Where the Firearm Is Stated - that's a Mouthful) - -

Not saying that murder by rifles isn't important or that we shouldn't be looking for solutions regarding them but right now we have an administration that is doing virtually nothing to stop the flow of this poisonous Chinese fentanyl out of Mexico.......and being that the casualties are significantly higher from the poisonous shit, a little more focus on that border maybe? Triage, in other words.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

On Traveling to Rochester, NY

I'll take "Things that Will Never End Up On this Fellow's Bucket-List", for a Thousand, Alex.

 On Bug Burgers

Only if the bugs are free range (also medium-rare so that I can roll them up into balls and throw them at Al Gore).

 On the Fact that Biden Can't Even Pardon the Thanksgiving Turkey Without Making Some Dumb-Fuck Political Comment

Granted, the guy didn't write it and, granted, he doesn't know where he is most the time but, still, it's a holiday so give it a rest (whoever it is who's pulling his strings), for Christ.

Monday, November 21, 2022

On Tom Brady at Age 44 Completing 67.5% of His Passes for 5,316 Yards and 43 Touchdowns

It's almost unbelievable (and apparently legit as they test for steroid abuse in the NFL). I mean, we're not talking croquet here, kids, or even golf. We're talking about hard-core violence, and for a baller to not only play that long but to excel as well, fucking speechless. Seriously.

Some Asshole Sitting at Pelosi's Desk = Worse than 9/11, this Is What We've Been Told

Sorry but anybody who believes that is a psychotic partisan stooge with zero capacity for measure, reason, and perspective............and you know who you are, don't you? Deep down. 

 On Obama (During His Latest Pimping for the Jab) Recently Saying this -

"We've now essentially (pausing for effect in his usual haughty manner) clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people."......So, bragging on how the federal government used American citizens as guinea pigs, in other words. Oh well, at least he told the truth this time (however accidentally it may have been).

Friday, November 18, 2022

Trump's Take On TikTok Lesbians? - Quick Addendum

 And, besides, don't we already know that Trump only likes the lipstick lesbians? It's common knowledge, no?

  On the Recent Teaming-Up of the ADL and Princeton University In Which They Ultimately Came Up with a Flowery but Evil On the Inside Concept Called "the Bridging Divides Initiative"

The evil part? Try, one of its main tenets being to "track threats and CRITICISMS of elected officials". Criticisms. So like 90% of what I dish out on this site, in other words. Yeah, I'm gonna' have to give this one a thumbs down.

Trump's Take On TikTok Lesbians?

"They're not sending their finest......though some of them might be good people."............What can I say, he dusts it off every so often.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

On Pelosi and Biden Himself Once Having Claimed that a) the President Doesn't Have the Power for Debt Forgiveness and b) an Act of Congress Is Required

  Must have found that power. Probably under the sofa, would be my guess.
  But there is a bright side in that all of those carpenters, truckers, painters, and electricians will now enjoy the privilege of helping to pay for that upper middle-class kid's gender studies degree. Hell, I can almost hear 'em celebrating now.

 On Dr. Oz Losing the Senate Race to this, a Fellow Who Led Off the Final Debate with, "Good Night Everyone" (Granted, He Might Have Meant, Good Evening, but with that Glazed Look On His Face Moving Forward, 50-50 Tops with that One)

I get it that Oz wasn't exactly a world-beater himself but getting beat by an obviously impaired, soft on crime socialist, let's just put it this way, it isn't something that would have muscled its way on to my resume.

On Elizabeth Montgomery 1966 Versus Courteney Cox 1997

To use a popular term nowadays, that is way beyond my pay-grade. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

On the Fact that (According to a Recent Rasmussen Survey - Virtually Every Demographic Group Supports Showing a Photo I.D. for Voting

It sounds more than reasonable (especially if you also accepted utility bills or the last four digits of your Social Security number). And you know who else thinks that way? Try the blue states of Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Michigan, New Mexico, etc.. Certainly if voter I.D. suppresses the black vote, it wouldn't just do it in the red states, would it? Fair question, no?

On the Fact that In March 2002, Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Boldly Asserted that There Were No Links Between the Revolting Murder of Daniel Pearl (the Brave Wall Street Journal Reporter Who Had Been In Pakistan Investigating the Role of Pakistani Extremists In the Richard Reid/Shoe-Bomber Incident) and Pakistani I.S.I (Their Version of the C.I.A.) Agents

Well, being that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the likely kidnapper, and Saeed Sheikh, the probable killer, both had major ties to the I.S.I., the good General was either lying (his U.N. speech, part two) or stupendously ill-informed. Hopefully it's the latter as cozying up to terrorist shits is bald-faced treason......and since the poor bastard isn't with us any longer, you understand.

On Radical Senator Ed Markey Colluding with a Washington Post Reporter to Set Up a Fake Account Impersonating Markey, the "Plan" Working, and Markey Then Using the Deception as an Avenue to Attack Mr. Musk (the Dumb-Fuck Smear of "Promoting Misinformation" Unsurprisingly Sitting at the Pole Position) and Throw a Bunch of Naziesque and Low-IQ Threats at the Guy ("Fix Your Companies or the Congress Will")

  And he also introduced a new Orwellian term, "safeguards", to pretty up his venal call for censorship.   
  Thankfully a fair number of liberals have gotten red-pilled (Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate - you know, the principled liberals who stand against war and respect the 1st Amendment) and despise what this asshole is saying but we need more. Please, the Dems who haven't gotten totally gaslit yet, put party affiliation aside, at least for a while and before YOU say something "unacceptable" (hat-tip to another asshole, Trudeau).

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

On the Best Way to Preserve Democracy Obviously Being to -

a) let half of Central and South America pour over the border totally unvetted and then bribe them with lots of free goodies to vote Democratic, b) censor anybody who's either right of center or skeptical of the regime's dystopian platform, c) allow malcontents to torch American cities whenever things don't go their way, and d) force a bunch of sexual bullshit onto grammar school kids while ignoring, you know, traditional education (reading, writing, mathematics, non-Marxist history, etc.). And this is just Part 1. The sequel, yeah, it gets even better.

On it Taking 7 Days for the Incompetent Boobs (and, Trust Me, I'm Giving Them the Benefit of the Doubt with that Label) In Arizona to Call the Governor's Race and gee, What a Shock, the Democrat Won

And it didn't hurt, either, that the Democratic candidate also happened to be Arizona's Secretary of State, a person who's supposed to be running these three-ring circuses, err, I mean, elections. Yeah, this entire thing smells.

Monday, November 14, 2022

On Mrs. Clinton Wanting the Politicians (i.e., Republicans) to "Bring the Rhetoric Way Down"

This from the same miscreant who claimed that the Republicans were going to steal not just the 2022 midterms but the 2024 Presidential race as well, "literally", and who had previously stated that approximately 37,000,000 people in this country are "deplorable" (racists, misogynists, trans-phobes, you know, the usual substitutions for thought). Delightful, isn't she?

On My Retort to the Rotting Remains In the White House (i.e., the Fascistic Mr. Biden) Suggesting that He and the Rest of the Parasitic Psychopaths In the Regime Are Going to "Look at Him" (Twitter's New Owner, Elon Musk)

I've got a better idea, asshole. How 'bout we look at YOU, a person with far more skeletons in the closet than Mr. Musk has, hands down (extortion in Ukraine, questionable business dealings in China, Tara Reid's claim of rape, etc.)? And that doesn't even include your patently unconstitutional edicts (i.e., executive orders). I mean, if were gonna' "look at people" (a measure that I've never been in favor but if this is how it's played now, oh well), there's gotta' be at least a couple mirrors in that White House, no?

Sunday, November 13, 2022

On "Losing Democracy" Currently Meaning, "My Party Lost and Because I'm a Democrat I Can Accuse the Other Fellas' of Cheating"

And do they really want us to buy that the 2016 election was severely compromised, the 2018 and 2020 elections were the safest, most secure in human history, and then the 2022 election regressed back to being severely compromised (with douche-bag Hillary setting the table for "the steal" two weeks before election night)? It really seems so, doesn't it?

On Trump Versus Biden On the Fascism Scale - Recently Updated

 a) Attempts to silence critics, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes. b) Threats to disarm the citizenry, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes. c) Colluding with big corporations to achieve political goals, Donald Trump - likely no, President Biden - absolutely yes (pressure on social media companies to censor dissenting views, admitted to by Peppermint Patty herself). d) Collective attribution, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (MAGA Republicans, unvaxxed people, etc.). e) Weaponizing federal law enforcement to go after political adversaries, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (virtually everybody who's ever worked with Trump has been targeted along with Trump himself. f) A huge ramping-up of the surveillance state, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (his Justice Department spooks are monitoring our social media accounts for "misinformation"). g) Sending tens of billions of dollars in weaponry halfway across the world to a corrupt country for use in a dumb-fuck war that is of no strategic importance to the U.S.A., Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes-siree Bob. And h) mandating that citizens submit to an experimental biological drug, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes.............Not a big math wizard but it appears as if Mr. Biden might have a slight lead at this point. Still early, though.

On Recently Witnessing a 5 Year old Piano Prodigy Play Chopin and Liszt

It was quite impressive. Granted he ended up crapping in his britches a few minutes after the show and had to be lead to the can for maintenance but, still, an overall great performance.

On the Last Five New York City Mayors and Their Murder Records

 1) Koch (1978 to '89) - 20,056 murders, an average of 1,671 per year, 2) Dinkins (1990 to '93) - 8,340 murders, an average of 2,085 per year, 3) Giuliani (1994 to 2001) - 7,117 murders, an average of 890 per year, 4) Bloomberg (2002 to '13) - 6,184 murders, an average of 515 per year, 5) de Blasio (2014 to '21) - 2,882 murders, an average of 360 per year.
 Clearly the numbers came down under Giuliani and Bloomberg. But they also continued to come down under de Blasio. So either the commie continued the Bloomberg policies, the bangers got tired of slaughtering each other, or he devised a new policy that functioned even better (and if he did, God speed to him). Whatever it was, hopefully it continues (with the recent surge under Adams simply an aberration)..

Saturday, November 12, 2022

On Miscreant Comic, Kathy Griffin, Recently Impersonating Elon Musk On Twitter, Getting Suspended by Mr. Musk for Not Labeling Her Idiotic Shit-Postings as Parody, and Her Responding to the "Timeout" by Using Her Dead Mother's Account to Continue the Immaturity

I don't like dishing out the term, "too much time on one's hands" (an overused retort) but when you come across the holy grail of said cliche, please, allow me - this pile of feces has way, Way, WAY, WAY, too much time on her hands.

Fortunately for her, she's good looking.

On Calling Something a "Conspiracy Theory" Now Being Perceived by Numerous Corporate Media Shits as a Sufficient Rejoinder to Discomforting Realities

Say what you want about reporters from the past (that they too had a liberal bias, etc.) but at least they a) did some actual journalism from time to time and b) weren't a bunch of lazy assholes who utilized substitutions for thought in place of the real McCoy. Plus there were some really good ones like Tim Russert and Mike Wallace, both of whom could wipe the floor with the dumb as fuck, useless and dishonest buffoons of today.

Friday, November 11, 2022

On Ray Epps Being On the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List One Day and Gone the Next

There are just three ways to get off that list; a) by dying, b) by being apprehended, or c) by being an informant for the feds............and being that the first two are off the table, you make the deduction. If you're willing.

On Trump Attacking DeSantis the Other Day Simply Because He Refused to Answer if He'd Still Make a Presidential Run In 2024 if Mr. Trump Was Also In the Race

Some of Mr. Trump's more ardent supporters are asserting that this is just more 4-D chess from the guy but I don't know. To me it looks a lot more like Trump being concerned that another person is getting a couple more minutes of attention than him. You may not have noticed but the guy is a wee-bit egotistical (I give him a 7 - with the scale only going up to 6).

On President Biden Being Asked About Elon Musk and Him Responding with, "We'll Look at Him"

The pattern continues; Democratic ramrods led by a demented and out of control President wishing to investigate people in search of a crime instead of vice versa, making it their life-blood in fact......There, now if we could only get these Clydes to tweet out some nasty shit-posts we'd have all the bases covered. Job done.

On the Fact that if a Conservative Analyst On Fox Had Smeared One of the Idiot Squad Members In the Same Manner that that Low Rent Democrat On MSLSD Did to Lauren Boebert (Insinuating that Her Next Job Would Probably Be In the Porn Industry) They Would Have Been Shit-Canned Instantaneously In that at Least They Possess SOME Integrity, MSLSD, Not so Much

Somebody really needs to step in over there and put a screeching halt to this idiocy. Yeah, they showed that racist scumbag, Tiffany "More Black Truckers Will Make the Roads Safer" Cross, the door (how bad do you have to be to get deep-sixed by the scummiest network in human history - this bad, I guess) but a lot more needs to happen in that she's just the tip of the iceberg. Doubt me? Just watch it for 15 minutes. You'll see (if you yourself have any decency).

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My Favorite Hillary Clinton Quote?

 Probably this little ruby - "Everything within the State. Nothing against the State. Nothing outside the State."......Oh wait, that was Benito Mussolini, never mind. I'll try and find another one.

On Georgia Governor Stacey Abrams Failing to Get Re-Elected

Not to worry. There's always 2028 and her unparalleled capacity for make-believe. Two big options right there.

Candy (Christina Applegate, for Those of You Living On Jupiter)?

Let's just put it this way. I'll take it over a Kit Kat bar any day (even in 2022).

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

On Being so Enmeshed with the Team of the Machine that You Couldn't See Through the Obvious Covid Bullshit from Slants Like Fauci, Crazy Leana Wen, etc.

I get it that it's a hard thing to grasp, the institutions that you've trusted since childhood fucking with you in such a monumental way, but when the emperor stands in front of you fully naked while a huge contingent of people smarter than the royal attempt to persuade you and you won't even hear 'em out, that's a tough road to hoe, my friend. That I know......for certain. 

On the Recently Released F.B.I. Crime Statistics Failing to Include the Data from Major Metropolitan Regions Such as New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia -

Yeah, it seems as if the new system is voluntary and so the failure to comply here is either institutional laziness or corruption (the data without these areas participating shows a 1% decrease in violent crime in the U.S. and you gotta' think that the pols would love to retain that number) and neither one sounds good, does it?

On the Idiot Socialist Bimbo from New York Dredging Up the Imaginary White Nationalists YET AGAIN (Her Only Strategy of Course Being to Dumb Down the Definition Reductively to "Folks Who Disagree with Me) and this Time Upping the Ante by Saying How These Goblins Will Bring About Fascism

And all this coming from an asshole whose own party has amongst ITS goals a) the suppression of free speech, b) the disarming of citizens while giving state actors the monopoly on force, c) collusion with major corporations to achieve its political ends, d) the implementation collective attribution/scapegoating ("antivaxxers", "the MAGA crowd", etc.), e) the mandating of experimental biological agents, and f) a shameless attempt to change the very definition of words (everything from court-packing to white supremacy to racism to recession to woman - yes, woman). Go figure, huh?  

Monday, November 7, 2022

Election Deniers, Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton - Threats to Democracy?

I don't think so (of course I'm not one of those woke leftist idiots who gets triggered whenever somebody voices an opinion different from mine, even if it's a stupid one) but, yeah, according to what the Dims are saying, most assuredly so.

On Psychopath, Bill Gates, Owning 242,000 Acres of U.S. Farmland

So the same asshole who wants to cull several billion people from the face of the earth now wants to be a major player in what people eat.......Yeah, I don't know if I like that.

On a 2012 New York Slimes Article Entitled, "Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises"

Yeah, the Slimes didn't like mail-in voting back then because a large percentage of absentee ballots were being forwarded to military personnel who, low and behold, tend to vote for Republicans. Fast forward to today.......  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Connecticut Congresswoman, Johana Hayes, Squad Adjacent?

Well, being that she's never met a multi trillion dollar shitshow that she could walk away from and seems to have an affinity for the afore-mentioned imbeciles, squad adjacent, at the bare minimum, I would surmise.

On Pfizer Executive, Janine Small, Being Asked by E.U. Parliament Member, Rob Roos, if the Covid Vaccine Had Ever Been Tested for Preventing Transmission and Sheepishly Having to Confess that, No, it Hadn't Because They Were Working at the "Speed of Science" (Yes, Because as We're All Aware, Science Remains the Indianapolis 500 of Disciplines) and Didn't Have the Time, I Guess

And I'm sure that those media shits like Rachel Maddow, and Chuck Todd who not only argued that the vaccine did stop transmission but who also denigrated anyone who proceeded more cautiously on the matter will step up and apologize for their ballseyness and for being such imbeciles (and by, I'm sure, I of course mean, no way in hell). It's just the right thing to do, no?

Saturday, November 5, 2022

On Getting 6,720 Page-Views Yesterday

Probably came here to be "misinformed". Occam's-Razor, you know.

On Trans-Mania's Mercurial Ascent from Absurdity to Unquestioned Orthodoxy

Imagine being in a coma for the past ten years and waking up to this. Me, I'd probably want to hit the hay again (and hopefully not dream about what I was just forced to witness).

Thursday, November 3, 2022

On the Fact that (According to Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics - 76.5% of Prison Inmates Released After the Age of 40 Commit Another Crime Within 9 Years

Interesting data. I just wish that the study had broken down the over 40 population into groups of over 40, over 50, over 60, and over 70 because I strongly suspect that a huge percentage of the 76.5% was comprised of guys in their 40s and so, yeah, the early release of inmates over 50 may not be a major problem after all (depending of course on the crime that put them in prison). Just trying to be fair here, folks.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

On the Fact that Even Though Tampering with Forensic Evidence Is Generally Considered to Be a Serious Offense, this Is Exactly What Happened After the 9/11 Attacks When the Debris from the Collapse Was Quickly Removed, Sold to Area Scrap Dealers, and Shipped Off to China, South Korea, and Other Far-Off Locations

 A lot of people are mad at Giuliani for representing Trump (heaven forbid). Me, I'm a little more jazzed about this. I mean, we're only talking about the most important crime scene in U.S. history (3,000 dead versus 1 dead Trump supporter killed by a trigger-happy cop on January 6th) and for the evidence to be carted away prior to any crime scene investigation, that's bad. Criminal, one might even say.

On Robert Reich (an Activist Posing as an Economist) Having an Issue with "Oligarch", Elon Musk, Owning Twitter but Not Having an Issue with Jeff Bezos Owning the Washington Post, Mark Zuckerberg Owning Facebook, or the Rich Shits Over at Google Calling the Shots There

Again, no principles with these douche-bags, and even when you point out the hypocrisy they simply brush it off because when they do X it's justified and when the other guy does it it ain't (a hierarchy thing, in other words). Simple as that.

On the Fact that if the Power Elite In Government, Big Tech, Higher Education, the Mainstream Press, and Entertainment Can Get the Public to Self-Censor On Such Idiotic Ideas as People LITERALLY Changing Their Sex, Then These Same Shitheads Can Perpetrate Just About Anything Else, Can't They?

And, no, I'm not suggesting that trans-people should be treated unfairly or that their personal rights (legitimate rights like voting, not being discriminated against, etc.) should be shat upon. That should be obvious. My issue has to do with a) the pushing of this agenda onto young children and b) the in-your-face way that these people want the entirety of human civilization to accept their delusions to the point of mandating the use of ridiculous made-up words. That's what pisses me off. Got it?