Wednesday, November 16, 2022

On the Fact that In March 2002, Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Boldly Asserted that There Were No Links Between the Revolting Murder of Daniel Pearl (the Brave Wall Street Journal Reporter Who Had Been In Pakistan Investigating the Role of Pakistani Extremists In the Richard Reid/Shoe-Bomber Incident) and Pakistani I.S.I (Their Version of the C.I.A.) Agents

Well, being that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the likely kidnapper, and Saeed Sheikh, the probable killer, both had major ties to the I.S.I., the good General was either lying (his U.N. speech, part two) or stupendously ill-informed. Hopefully it's the latter as cozying up to terrorist shits is bald-faced treason......and since the poor bastard isn't with us any longer, you understand.

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