Tuesday, November 1, 2022

On the Fact that if the Power Elite In Government, Big Tech, Higher Education, the Mainstream Press, and Entertainment Can Get the Public to Self-Censor On Such Idiotic Ideas as People LITERALLY Changing Their Sex, Then These Same Shitheads Can Perpetrate Just About Anything Else, Can't They?

And, no, I'm not suggesting that trans-people should be treated unfairly or that their personal rights (legitimate rights like voting, not being discriminated against, etc.) should be shat upon. That should be obvious. My issue has to do with a) the pushing of this agenda onto young children and b) the in-your-face way that these people want the entirety of human civilization to accept their delusions to the point of mandating the use of ridiculous made-up words. That's what pisses me off. Got it?  

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