Sunday, November 13, 2022

On Trump Versus Biden On the Fascism Scale - Recently Updated

 a) Attempts to silence critics, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes. b) Threats to disarm the citizenry, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes. c) Colluding with big corporations to achieve political goals, Donald Trump - likely no, President Biden - absolutely yes (pressure on social media companies to censor dissenting views, admitted to by Peppermint Patty herself). d) Collective attribution, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (MAGA Republicans, unvaxxed people, etc.). e) Weaponizing federal law enforcement to go after political adversaries, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (virtually everybody who's ever worked with Trump has been targeted along with Trump himself. f) A huge ramping-up of the surveillance state, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes (his Justice Department spooks are monitoring our social media accounts for "misinformation"). g) Sending tens of billions of dollars in weaponry halfway across the world to a corrupt country for use in a dumb-fuck war that is of no strategic importance to the U.S.A., Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes-siree Bob. And h) mandating that citizens submit to an experimental biological drug, Donald Trump - no, President Biden - yes.............Not a big math wizard but it appears as if Mr. Biden might have a slight lead at this point. Still early, though.

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