Monday, November 14, 2022

On My Retort to the Rotting Remains In the White House (i.e., the Fascistic Mr. Biden) Suggesting that He and the Rest of the Parasitic Psychopaths In the Regime Are Going to "Look at Him" (Twitter's New Owner, Elon Musk)

I've got a better idea, asshole. How 'bout we look at YOU, a person with far more skeletons in the closet than Mr. Musk has, hands down (extortion in Ukraine, questionable business dealings in China, Tara Reid's claim of rape, etc.)? And that doesn't even include your patently unconstitutional edicts (i.e., executive orders). I mean, if were gonna' "look at people" (a measure that I've never been in favor but if this is how it's played now, oh well), there's gotta' be at least a couple mirrors in that White House, no?

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