Sunday, November 6, 2022

On Pfizer Executive, Janine Small, Being Asked by E.U. Parliament Member, Rob Roos, if the Covid Vaccine Had Ever Been Tested for Preventing Transmission and Sheepishly Having to Confess that, No, it Hadn't Because They Were Working at the "Speed of Science" (Yes, Because as We're All Aware, Science Remains the Indianapolis 500 of Disciplines) and Didn't Have the Time, I Guess

And I'm sure that those media shits like Rachel Maddow, and Chuck Todd who not only argued that the vaccine did stop transmission but who also denigrated anyone who proceeded more cautiously on the matter will step up and apologize for their ballseyness and for being such imbeciles (and by, I'm sure, I of course mean, no way in hell). It's just the right thing to do, no?

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