Wednesday, November 16, 2022

On Radical Senator Ed Markey Colluding with a Washington Post Reporter to Set Up a Fake Account Impersonating Markey, the "Plan" Working, and Markey Then Using the Deception as an Avenue to Attack Mr. Musk (the Dumb-Fuck Smear of "Promoting Misinformation" Unsurprisingly Sitting at the Pole Position) and Throw a Bunch of Naziesque and Low-IQ Threats at the Guy ("Fix Your Companies or the Congress Will")

  And he also introduced a new Orwellian term, "safeguards", to pretty up his venal call for censorship.   
  Thankfully a fair number of liberals have gotten red-pilled (Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate - you know, the principled liberals who stand against war and respect the 1st Amendment) and despise what this asshole is saying but we need more. Please, the Dems who haven't gotten totally gaslit yet, put party affiliation aside, at least for a while and before YOU say something "unacceptable" (hat-tip to another asshole, Trudeau).

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