Saturday, September 21, 2024

On Leftist Imbeciles Like Kamala and Her Dipwad Running-Mate, the Tampon A-Hole, Constantly Trying to Tie Their Adversary, Mr. Trump, to Something Called, Project 2025, a Piece of Paper that Trump Has a) Repeatedly Denied an Involvement with and b) Even Taken a Few Shots at

  And Project 2025 isn't even an extreme proposal. It comes from the Heritage Foundation, a respected conservative think-tank, and the contents are essentially boilerplate. Yeah, it might seem radical to the modern-day leftist thug whose own viewpoints have become cartoonishly extreme and have shifted the ground beneath us to a level where anything to the right of Mrs. Clinton is labeled far right these days......but to the rest of us, no, not so much.

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