Friday, October 8, 2021

On the Fact that In December of 1864 Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, Sent Louisiana Congressman, Duncan F. Kenner, On a Secret Mission to England with a Proposal; Specifically that the South Would Immediately Emancipate Her Slaves In Exchange for England's Recognition (Not Assistance, Mind you, Simply Recognition) -

Sadly the Brits declined (not so much as a dis to the Confederates but rather out of concern for Lincoln's bellicose military threats) and the conflict ended months later anyway (too late not just for this approach but for their other strategy as well; the granting of freedom in exchange for military service) but, man, can you imagine how different that our respective histories would have turned out had the South's plan hit pay-dirt? Mind-blowing, isn't it?....................................................................................................P.S. It's also important to point out that the validity of this event has been verified numerous times, the most important of course being the Library of Congress's verification circa 1916. 

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