Tuesday, July 31, 2018

On Why Black Africans, After Having Had Thousands of Years to Develop a Modern, Advanced Economy, Continue to Struggle In this Regard (Botswana Being the One Exception and God Bless Them)

The standard, politically tenable explanations of course are colonialism and apartheid but as I've displayed in previous posts this is largely bullshit in that along pretty much every indicator of well-being (per capita income, life expectancy, infant mortality, infrastructure, the abolition of slavery, etc.) blacks benefited from these events/policies. A much more plausible explanation from my viewpoint is the fact that very few of these African countries have been able to harness the necessary prerequisites for a modern economy to thrive; secure property rights, enforceable contracts, the rule of law, a pronounced work ethic, modern medicine/science/technology, safeguards against corruption, etc...…….....and, yes, being that these are largely Western values and institutions, combining that with the fact that blacks on the continent continue to blame whites for pretty much everything, don't hold your breath that the situation will change that much in the future. Sadly.

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