Friday, March 9, 2018

On the Fact that (According to John Van der Zee's Volume, "Bound Over: Indentured Servitude and American Conscience") of the 5,000 English Indentured Servants (Most of Whom Were NOT Free-Willers but Rather Street Children, Prisoners, Vagrants, and Kidnapped Victims) Who Arrived In Maryland from 1670 to 1680, Less than 1,300 of Them Were Able to Prove Their Property Rights Post-Servitude and of Them Only 241 Ever Became Actual Landowners

Yeah, that white privilege was really ratcheting up, wasn't it?....................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, of the 3,700 who failed to substantiate their property rights, approximately a third of them died while still in servitude and so bully for white privilege yet again, I guess.

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