Saturday, July 28, 2012

Moral Question

If it's a war crime to shoot and/or decapitate a young child, then how is it not a war crime to intentionally incinerate that same child from 20,000 feet?......I'm sorry but I continue to have a problem with this (especially since, as Professor Grayling has astutely pointed out, it did precious little to end the conflict - the precision air-strikes on fuel lines were significantly more effective).


Eric Noren said...

No difference that I see. I'll wait for WD to enlighten me.

Les Carpenter said...

What THR said.

Jerry Critter said...

War crimes only apply to the least that is the way they are applied.

Rusty Shackelford said...

"War is hell," someone way more famous then me said that.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Jerry, I guess that General LeMay (the braintrust behind the fire-bombing in Japan) basically admitted that.