Friday, April 10, 2009

The Encyclopedias Arrived Yesterday

One of the reasons why people claim to support card check legislation is that it supposedly gets rid of intimidation. Well, guess what, folks, it doesn't..............................................................Let me explain here. About three or four years ago, the health-care workers union came into our place and tried to get us to join them. They started off by recruiting a couple of true believers and, yeah, you got it, so, too, did the frigging hard-sell emerge (cards, cards, and more cards). You want to talk about intimidation/peer pressure/making a bunch of bogus promises (the owner of our facility makes about a one percent profit, by the way). Half the poor bastards who signed those cards did it just to get these characters off their backs..............................................................And, no, folks, I'm not saying that the management side was completely sympathetic, either. They absolutely plead their case. But, as far as I could tell, there wasn't a solitary example of strong-armed tactics (and certainly not one that was ever proved)...........................................................As for this whole ruse that the proponents of this legislation offer; that it doesn't necessarily stifle secret ballots but instead leaves it up to the workers, what in the hell kind of argument is that? I mean, seriously, what kind of a negotiation is it that basically allows one side to set up the parameters of it? Let us frigging be honest here, folks. This is the Democratic party capitulating to labor (paying them back for their support, evidently) - pure and simple. Kind of like what the Republicans do to the gun lobby. Got to love it, huh?..................................................................P.S. Yes, we voted the union down.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Stephen Hicks explains Post Modernism, i.e. "Liberalism":

"In postmodern discourse, truth is rejected explicitly and consisteny can be a rare phenomenon. Consider the following pairs of claims:

- On the one hand, all truth is relative; on the other hand, postmodernism tells it like it really is.

- On the one hand, all cultures are equally deserving of respect; on the other, Western culture is uniquely destructive and bad.

- Values are subjective--but sexism and racism are really evil

- Technology is bad and destructive--and it is unfair that some people have more technology than others.

- Tolerance is good and dominance is bad--but when postmodernists come to power, political correctness follows.

There is a common pattern here: Subjectivism and relativism in one breath, dogmatic absolutism in the next."

Sound like anyone we know?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

There seems to be 2 sets of yardsticks for some of these people, Volt.

Terpsi said...

I have no idea what you are talking about??? Yipes. Are you not an Obama-ite? You are not a R-e-p-u-b-l-c-a-n are you????

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hi m. No, not a Republican. I must confess that I did vote for Jodi Rell, though (didn't like that Democratic mayor dude from New Haven who was running against her).

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"You are not a R-e-p-u-b-l-c-a-n are you????"

Worse than it seems my dear.

I'm a C-o-n-s-e-r-v-a-t-i-v-e...!!!!

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Resistance is futile.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Sorry Will.

Sometimes I can't help myself...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

That's O.K., Volt. She's a personal friend of mine with a great sense of humor. Not a problem.

1138 said...

Volt WAS a Republican until the Loser Label got stuck on the party.
Fair Weather Republican is the term.

As for Union, I'm sorry for the long term of the institution that it lost.
Card check is GOOD.