Thursday, May 22, 2008

Utopia Lost

Alright, so we allow the Vietnamese to elect Ho Chi Minh, then what? They all live happily ever after (i.e., he doesn't kill, torture, or starve hundreds of thousands of land-owners, cause millions of other people to flee for their lives, etc.)? I mean, come on, does anybody in his right mind actually think that there would have been a second election....or a third (Fidel Castro, anybody?)?...................................Look, as far as I'm concerned, we should have stayed completely out of that shit-hole and, yes, if in fact it was their propensity to slaughter each other, SO FRIGGING BE IT (not a lot of fire in this belly for policing the world, that's for sure)! But, seriously, folks, to say so categorically that America's "evil" transcended that of the Communists (it's actually a pretty brutal system, in case you haven't heard), I don't know, that sounds just a little TOO doctrinaire to me. Of course, that could JUST be me, right? Unbelievable.


Utah Savage said...

I'm a little confused by this ost. Are we talking about Vietnam or Cuba. I think the Cubans are or would have been better off under Castro that they were under our influence. When we were using Cuba as our whore house, it was our usual rape pillage and plunder. We used Cuba like a tropical toilet and took what we wanted. We went to gamble and get our rocks off. I think without our sanctions and blockade they'd have been a lot better off under Castro. They have universal health care. They are no longer the whore house of the northern Caribbean. We don't like socialist governments because we can't exploit them for our capitalist wants. I think our system is brutal unless you're rich enough to be one of the exploiters.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I guess some people want everyone else to pay their way through life, and some would rather take care of themselves.

A government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.

Every "entitlement" program the government provides is funded by us, we give them OUR money on the front end and then they simply give it back on the back end.

The problem is when they give it back there are ALWAYS strings attached.

You can ONLY spend it for the procedures they "approve" of, ONLY in the institutions they "approve" of, and ONLY on providers and supplies they "approve" of.

AND of course a huge bureaucracy to administer it, along with a huge staff and budget.

THEN they'll spend all the money allocated for it on their "pet" projects until it's broke, and then have to borrow heavily to finance it and add billions more to the deficit.

Then they'll tell us we're selfish and people are dying because we reject the increase in taxes they'll demand.

Sounds like a great plan. Where do I sign up?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Come to think of it, if B.O. is going to follow the Hillary/Edwards plan I won't have to sign up.

I'll just wait until the "Health Police" come by to abduct me and drag me away to my mandatory annual checkup...

Mike said...

Pulling the ole bait and switch aye Volty......taxes, entitlement programs and Obama werent the topics of this blog...........but then you KNEW that didnt ya Volty????

The topic that Will and Utah Savage were making great points discussing before you pulled one of your patented deflections WAS Vietnam and Cuba!~

Anonymous said...

"But, seriously, folks, to say so categorically that America's "evil" transcended that of the Communists"

Never said that, nice O'Rielly move there.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I've always been against the blockade. In my view, the best way to turn people away from a dictator is through commerce and exposing them to freedom. As for Castro, I think he'd have a better rep if he occasionally held some fair elections and stopped jailing people for dissent.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Sorry Mike,

I got confused by the 'Cuba being better off under Castro because they have universal health care' part.

The glowing revue of communism against our "brutal" system may have been another factor.

Evidently, the only reason we dislike communists is because us "capitalists" can't exploit them.
Ah how noble these communists.

The "lady" obviously feels its much better to have everyone else pay your way than to do it for yourself.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I will say this about Cuba,

Back in the 1950's they had state of the art automobiles.

And today they STILL have 1950's state of the art automobiles...

Utah Savage said...

Voltron, this government has taken everything we've got and given it all to their rich friends. This government give huge tax breaks to the top 2% and takes away benefits from those at the bottom. This government had put us into bankruptcy so their buddies ay Blackwater, Halliburton, the oil industry, and speculators in real estate get bailed out and joe blow loses his house. What fucking planet have you been living on?