Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Total Absence of Hue

The illogic of these far-left bloggers (Cornell's crew, 1138, etc.), folks, is staggering. I mean, all you literally have to do is either 1) defend Senator McCain against scurrilous accusations or 2) criticize their candidate on a solitary issue and, yes, you're branded a Republican hack/partisan. Talk about having some thin skin, huh? I don't know, to me, if your stated goal is to fight back/counter the Ann Coulters of the world, you don't go flailing around like an idiot. You certainly don't do a left-wing imitation of her (Lydia Cornell, anybody?), for Christ!..................................But, seriously, though, friends, every politician out there (yes, EVEN Joe Lieberman) is a mixed-bag of sorts. Isn't it our job to weigh not just the pluses of of one guy and the minuses of the other....but to scrutinize them all? Not that you can't strongly support somebody, mind you. I'm just asking that you tone down the lunacy a little. That's all.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Hey Will, I thought you'd get a kick out of this...LOL

Bill O going nuts!

Funny stuff!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, I saw the clip. Got a little unhinged, it seems. LOL Actually, though (and as much as I hate to admit it), O'Reilly has been a lot more fair of late than others. He challenged McCain in a recent interview (can you imagine Olbermann challenging Obama?) and he defended Obama regarding the Ayers association (said it was minor, basically). I mean, I'm still going to call the blog, "Contra O'Reilly". But I gotta be fair, right?

Utah Savage said...

Fair and Balanced? Let's not get too carried away. I can't stand Leiberman. But then, I'm one of the far left. Obviously father left than you, my friend. Isn't that a McCain line. My friends. Not so much John. I won't go nuts at your house attacking anyone, right or left, but I hope it's ok to say, for me, not so much. Not Joe, not John. Not even Hillary. Anyone who voted for this idiot war is not so much someone I could vote for. Yes, I'd have to really suck it up and do the right thing if Hillary stole the nomination some how, but I sure hope it doesn't come to that.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't label myself. Sorry, my sister. In the words of Sartre, "Once you label me, you negate me."