Sunday, May 12, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

On New York's Chowder-Headed Governor, Kathy Hochul, Suggesting that Black Children from the Bronx Don't Know What a Computer Is

Putting the blatant racism aside (for now), it is a trifle humorous in that a large chunk of those kids likely know more about tech than she does (the bar being set as low as it is). Shit, I might even be willing to put a bet on it.

On Beyonce Pushing Out a Country Album

Nothing against Ms. Beyonce but what's she's doing now isn't country, it's pop country (which sadly constitutes much of the genre nowadays and so her framework is quite understandable). If you want to know what the real stuff sounds like, here, Ro Ro Rosie. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

On Biden Yet Again Blaming "Corporate Greed" for Inflation

And so why no significant inflation during the Trump years? Did Trump know the secret handshake or something that prompted these evil corporate tools to forgo their greed until a Democrat got elected?Hopefully not in that that would be some serious 3D chess.

On the Fact that Every Society On the Face of the Earth (Sub-Saharan Africans, South Asians, North Africans and Middle-Easterners, Native-Americans, etc.) Has Been Granted the Right to Move On from it's Slavery Past............Except for White Europeans (Especially Those Now Residing In the U.S.A.)

The era of racial etiquette is over. It has to be, because if we continue with this incendiary ideology of identitarianism and intersectionality our country will eventually become another Sudan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Nigeria, etc., etc.. And that's not something that the snowflakes will readily adjust to, I guarantee.