Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Plan to Reduce Income Inequality

a) Allow only one individual per household to work (families in the top quintile having many more workers per household). b) Make it illegal to concentrate in any sort of professional or STEM field (rich families having much more/better education). c) Execute a certain percentage of people over the age of 50 (older people tending to make much more money). d) Outlaw working over 40 hours per week (higher income earners tending to work significantly longer hours). e) Get rid of all computers (technology greatly widening the wage gap). f) Sterilize all single women (and men) after they're had a child out of wedlock and/or under the age of 21 (single motherhood being a reliable ticket to poverty)......................................................................................And, yes, clearly this is satire. I'm only trying to underscore that there exist plausible and logical reasons for the wage gap in this country and that maybe instead of looking for scapegoats (in this instance, successful individuals) and sinister factors we take a much less divisive approach (instituting school-choice and making it easier for people to start a business, for example). That's all.

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