Monday, August 5, 2013

Yet Another Reason to Mistrust the IPCC

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been measured in a variety of ways over the years. From 1812 to 1961 it was predominantly measured via chemical analysis (the Pettenkofer method) and since then via infra-red spectroscopy. The problem here is that neither of these techniques are considered foolproof and the data has also been manipulated and cherry-picked..........................................................................For instance, DID YOU KNOW that, according to the first technique (Beck, 2007, Energy and Environment), the atmospheric CO2 level in 1942 (prior to the post war industrialization) was approximately 400 ppm, higher than it presently is (there are many other years that I could have mentioned in addition)? Or that the IPCC carefully selected the chemically analyzed data, only selecting the lowest readings and using those as the preindustrial baseline?.............................................................................Look, I have no doubts that carbon dioxide levels have probably risen, and that we in fact have played a role (I obviously have much less certitude that carbon dioxide is the major driver of warming) but the fact that these morons have continuously cherry-picked their numbers is really starting to piss me off. First they do away with the Medieval warm period and the little ice age. Then they do away with the 35 year cooling period from 1940-1975 (unfortunately for them, they can't do away with that 1975 Newsweek cover - a lot of the very same global warming alarmists of today were the global cooling alarmists of yesterday). And now this. Enough already!

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