Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rooting For the Dumbbells

One of my favorite cable news shows is Fareed Zakaria's on CNN. He, Zakaria, seems to think that America is going to be needing oil for planes, trains, and even some of our cars for at least another 30 years.....He's a very smart fellow, Mr. Zakaria. On this point, though, I'm praying to God that he's incorrect. 30 more years of oil spills/reliance on Middle-Eastern supplies of oil.....Let's just say that that is downright frightening. CAN WE ALL AT LEAST AGREE UPON THAT?..........................................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, now I'm beginning to hear that natural gas (what T. Boone Pickens was touting as an alternative fuel for transportation) isn't necessarily going to be all that much of a panacea, either. Something about it contaminating the water supply or something. Great, huh?


Commander Zaius said...
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Commander Zaius said...

Realistically offshore drilling for oil will have to continue even though I hate the idea of it. But if nothing funny happens I have high hopes for various forms of algae produced bio-fuels. The Air Force recently test flew a fighter using only a prototype bio-fuel.

As much as some right-wingers, like those I work around, like to pooh-pooh the idea photovoltaic panels are advancing to the point that they are becoming very viable.

The contamination of drinking water by natural gas drilling is very worrisome but all things considered there are answers it’s just I have little faith that the various special interests will let anything be fully developed without the general public pushing it.

Vigilante said...

Excellent post!

Three observations from vicarious/forgotten/impeachable (probably) sources:

1. The biggest opportunity for shrinking consumption of fossil fuels is in the area of private transportation.

2. The overwhelming portion of private transportation lies in in-city travel such as shopping, etc.

3. This travel could more than adequately be served by electronic or hybrid vehicles.

4. High-consumption vehicles, such as SUV's, just had a banner month in sales.

I conclude that (A)the private consumer (dumbbell) doesn't know what's best for him and the rest of us and (B) he will have to be propagandized/regulated/taxed by government until his behavior becomes aligned with the national interest.

Vigilante said...

Sorry! That was four points (mission creep!)

Rusty Shackleford said...

So I'm guessing Vig will be the first to raise his hand and say he'll be putting his car up on blocks and willing add a few bucks when he sends his federal taxes in next year.

I applaud his effort,but as for me I'm gonna drive my SUV as fast as I can for as long as I can.America....what a country!!!!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Every time you start your SUV I make money Rusty.

The cynic in me understands the power of energy and oil companies. We won't stop using oil until they are satisfied we're out of it. I look for Exxon to get back ove $90 a share by December. It will be a merry Xmas.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Algae sounds like a great idea, double b. It, unlike corn (for ethanol), doesn't come out of the food supply and damned if there doesn't seem to be a whole hell of a lot of it. This totally sounds like a job for Bill Gates......Vig, what in the hell ever happened to electric cars? Are they just too expensive? I'm really disappointed that these haven't made more an inroad yet......Truth, you should really start your own brokerage house. Rusty and I - we can be your first 2 clients......What do you think, Russ? This guy knows his shit, I'm telling you.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Will,I think your old stomping grounds LC is dead as a doornail.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm sure though, Russ, that, if you or I stopped by to proclaim that the sky above was blue, Bartlebee, etc. would quickly reemerge and correct us. Speaking of the old days, where in the hell is Volt?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

He still lurks on occasion...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...